How to Prepare for gorilla safari tours in Uganda- Are you planning a vacation to Africa to go gorilla tracking? Are you wondering how you may best prepare for a gorilla tracking expedition in Uganda? Great Adventure Safaris provides you with a handbook on how to prepare for your once-in-a-lifetime mountain gorilla tracking trip. The finest wildlife experience in the world is a visit to observe mountain gorillas in their natural habitat.

Hundreds of tourists visit Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo specifically to see the endangered mountain gorillas. An African vacation that does not include a visit to the mountain gorillas is unquestionably incomplete. While gorilla tracking is a magnificent experience, the hike itself is not for the faint of heart. Hiking up and down the slopes through dense drowsy muddy forest grounds can be tough at times, so be prepared. Here's how to be ready for a gorilla tracking trip in Uganda with Great Adventure Safaris.

Select A Gorilla Tracking Area

The first thing to think about while organising a Gorilla safari is where you want to go for this unforgettable experience. In Uganda, there are two options for trekking mountain gorillas. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park are two of them. Each national park provides a distinct gorilla tracking experience and is well worth a visit. The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest has the most mountain gorillas, with the remainder spread between Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park and the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Virunga National Park, making Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable Forest the greatest area for gorilla tracking. Tracking Mountain Gorillas in more than one national park provides you with the greatest comparisons and the opportunity to see different Gorilla families for an unforgettable experience. Next comes choosing an African adventures safari company.

Check The Availability Of Gorilla Permits And Make A Reservation.

After deciding where you want to go for gorilla tracking, check the Uganda Wildlife Authority for the availability of gorilla permits for your intended trip date. You may contact them directly or book via Bushman Safaris, Uganda's leading safari travel tours operator. Bushman Safaris specialises in customising short and extended Gorilla treks to fit any traveler's schedule and budget. Uganda has 152 gorilla licences available per day. Wuganda Wildlife Authority issues gorilla licences on a first-come, first-served basis. Booking gorilla permits at least three months in advance is suggested for timely planning. If you wish to spend more time with the mountain gorillas, take a Gorilla Habituation Experience Tour to the Rushaga section of the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. A single Gorilla Habituation Permit costs USD1500 per person each trip and allows you to spend four hours with Mountain Gorillas who are being trained to get used to human presence.

If you are looking for gorilla safari tours in Uganda, then contact us at Bushman Safaris!